Claire realizes it’s time to make ether in Outlander Book 8, Chapter 130
Claire had promised to do a surgery, and for that surgery, she needs ether. It’s time to head out to the apothecary in Outlander Book 8, Chapter 130.
With everything that happened to the Big House, it’s not surprising that Claire doesn’t really want to make ether. This is dangerous to make, and it’s not like Claire is going to run the risk of only blowing up her home! She could cause a lot of damage.
However, she needs to treat the young slave girl who is suffer from the fissures. Without surgery, this girl is going to constantly live in agony. She’ll also likely die, whether from the fissures or at the hands of her mistress. Claire needs to do what she can.
This chapter starts to bring a lot more together in the storyline. I’ll get to my thoughts on that in the foreshadowing section.
I do feel like the Amaranthus part of the story is going to come up in the TV show. With that in mind, I suspect this chapter will be used. I’ll get to my thoughts on that in the adaptation section.
Let’s dive into Written in My Own Heart’s Blood Chapter 130.