Bree and Roger are forced to go back through the stones in Outlander Season 7, Episode 2. Why would they do that? What’s wrong with baby Mandy?
Caution: This post contains spoilers from Outlander Season 7, Episode 2.
We start Outlander Season 7, Episode 2 with the big reveal of who killed Malva Christie before moving on to the next part of the story for the Frasers and MacKenzies. It’s time to pick up with the storylines from An Echo in the Bone and beyond.
Of course, there are storylines teased in Season 4 that come up in the new episode. We’re seeing a huge shift in the storylines at this point.
Who killed Malva Christie?
We open with the big reveal. After Tom’s sacrifice, it’s time to find out that he didn’t actually kill Malva. Outlander Season 7, Episode 2 opens with Claire finding a grieving Allan at Malva’s grave. He shared everything about the things that he had done.
It turns out that he was the father of Malva’s baby. Oh yes, we found out that after his mother’s execution, he and Malva went to live with their aunt. Allan looked after Malva and fell in love with her. There was a sick incest storyline, although Malva was a victim in all this. Allan forced himself on her.
He was angry that Malva would sleep with other men but then found out that she was pregnant. He didn’t want her taking a husband, though, so he forced her to use the story that the baby was Jamie’s. He assumed Jamie would just give Malva money and tell her to leave, but that wasn’t the case. Malva ended up deciding that she had to tell Claire the truth, and that’s when Allan killed her and the baby.
Allan was going to kill himself, but Claire refused to allow that to happen. Ian overheard everything and shot Allan in the back, killing him. As the two buried his body in the woods, Mrs. Bug came across them. She wasn’t shocked or angry. Instead, she made it clear she knew Allan had the devil in him and helped them bury the body.

Brianna gives birth in Outlander Season 7, Episode 2
We then get to move on to something that is supposed to be happier. Bree gives birth to her daughter, Amanda Claire Hope MacKenzie. Things take a turn when Claire notices a blue tinge to Mandy’s nails. She listens to her heart and everyone’s fears are true.
Mandy is sick. There’s a problem with her heart, and there is nothing Claire can do to prevent death. However, she knows someone who can. It means traveling to the future. Jem tells everyone that Mandy can hear a gemstone singing. She can travel, too.
Bree meets William Ransom
They need gemstones to get through the stones—one for each of them. They decide to head to Wilmington, where Roger goes to the silversmith. That’s where Bree sees Lord John Grey and William. We get a moment between Bree and John, as Bree thinks that William deserves to know the truth about his parentage.
Of course, John knows that can’t happen. Bree points out that she found out about her true parentage as an adult and shared her experience. However, that’s as far as she pushes things.
It does come up again, though. Jamie sees Bree and William meet and decides to see John that day. He knows that John can’t tell William the truth, but he’s happy that he got to see Bree and William together just once. This opens the conversation about William fighting for the British and how he and Jamie will be on opposite sides. Jamie can’t switch sides, and he shares that he and John need to stop correspondence to protect John and William.
Before Jamie leaves, John gives him the sapphire that Jamie gave him 20 years ago. He’s carried it all this time, and it’s time to give it to Bree so they can travel.

Bree and Roger leave for the future in Outlander Season 7, Episode 2
The second episode ends with the family separated. They head to the stones at Okrakoe as they’re closer than the ones in Virginia. It’s an emotional goodbye, with a brilliant part from the book as Jamie tells Jemmy to send his regards to “a big mouse named Michael.”
With that, the MacKenzies head through the stones. This time they do end up in their own time. At least, somewhere in their own time. There’s a real plane in the sky.
Claire grieves the children going through, feeling like she’s lost her family. Jamie gives her the chance to cry and then they move forward in life. Lizzie and the twins are able to live on the Ridge together and the Ridge becomes “the happiest place on Earth” for them.
That is until Wendigo Donner shows up at the end. He wants gems (not gold as one of his goons finds in the hands of the Bugs). Unfortunately, one of his goons breaks a bottle of ether and he lights a match. The whole place goes boom.