Outlander Season 6, Episode 7 live ratings: The numbers continue to fall

Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

After taking a week off, Outlander returned with an episode filled with scandals. Here’s a look at how the live ratings fared.

It’s always hard coming back after taking a break. Outlander took a week off for Easter, but returned with an episode filled with scandal. Not only was there the mystery of Malva’s murder, but we also got to find out what Lizzie has been getting up to.

The live ratings for the episode don’t look great. It’s worth reminding readers that these live ratings don’t give us the full look at the popularity of the series. Not for a STARZ series. The figures released are for the live airing on the channel and don’t include the people who watch the app.

However, the live ratings are disappointing for the penultimate episode of the series. Will they pick back up for the finale?

Outlander Season 6, Episode 7 live ratings

According to TV Series Finale, the demo dropped by 33.33%. It dropped to a 0.2 rating. The total audience dropped 12% to 0.469 million. This is the lowest for the entire season.

Now there are a couple of things to factor in here. The first is that Power Book IV is no longer airing in the 8 p.m. timeslot. The new series Gaslit has started, and that did mean Outlander didn’t start until a little after 9 p.m. This could have affected the live ratings.

It’s certainly possible that more fans have decided to turn to the app to watch the series. It’s also possible that as we’re getting to the last episode of the season that fans were opting to binge-watch the entire series this weekend before the finale airs.

Whatever the reason, it’s not that much of a concern right now. Outlander Season 7 is already confirmed and the network is in talks for Season 8.

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