Inside the Outlander Season 6 premiere: Ardsmuir

Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

We didn’t get any Inside the World snippets for Outlander Season 6, but the series is taking us inside small elements of each episode. The first was a look inside the flashback to Ardsmuir Prison.

It certainly is a shame that STARZ chose not to do the Inside the World featurettes at the end of each episode. Fans adore going into each episode, hearing the showrunners and EPs discuss themes and why they made choices they did.

While we don’t have the featurettes, we have had a chance to delve into certain aspects of each episode. These are the biggest elements of the story, and in the Outlander Season 6 premiere, the biggest moment was the flashback to Ardsmuir.

Outlander Season 6 premiere featurette

Take a look at the featurette for the first episode of the season. We get to hear from some of the cast members about why the Ardsmuir Prison flashback was so important:

It’s interesting that this was the first scene of the entire season, but it was the last one filmed. We know that filming had to be switched around a lot because of Caitriona Balfe’s pregnancy. It makes sense that scenes that didn’t involve Balfe at all would be left to the end of production, opting for her scenes to be the first ones to shoot. This couldn’t have been easy for the cast, though.

The Ardsmuir flashback took up a good 20 minutes of the first episode. It was important to give us that initial introduction of Tom Christie, but also gave us more of a chance to see what Jamie had to go through while he was a prisoner there and how he managed to build a bridge between everyone there.

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