Outlander Season 6, Episode 5 airs this weekend. Whether you watch it live or DVR it, make sure you get the length of time you need right.
There is nothing worse than sitting down to watch an episode only to realize you don’t have enough time to catch the whole thing. With something like Outlander, you don’t want to pause it and restart it at a later time. You want to get all the way to the end in one sitting.
If you DVR it on the channel, you need to make sure you have the time set just right. Outlander episodes vary in length, and this can make it hard to record.
Outlander Season 6, Episode 5 length
We’re back to normal-length episodes of the series right now. The first couple of episodes were over the hour mark, but we’re back to episodes running at around 60 minutes.
Outlander Season 6, Episode 5 is 61 minutes long. At least, that’s what the STARZ schedule says that it is. Shining Vale runs afterward, and it will start at 10:01 p.m. With no ads on the channel, it’s possible for the episodes to run straight into each other.
The new Outlander episode is not one you’ll want to miss out on. It’s back to the fears of the coming war, as tensions rise in Wilmington. It’s up to Claire and Jamie to find a way to ease some of the tensions, and Lord John Grey is going to be by Jamie’s side. Will Jamie find a way to tell John what his plan is when it comes to the actual war?
Back at the Ridge, Brianna is concerned about the way it looks for Roger to go to Amy’s all the time. It’s clear that Amy has feelings for Roger, and the Ridge is starting to talk.