Outlander Season 6, Episode 4 images: Time with the Cherokee

Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ /

Jamie and Young Ian spend some time with the Cherokee in Outlander Season 6, Episode 4. Take a look inside the images to see what to expect.

There are a few images out for Outlander Season 6, Episode 4. The majority of them focus on the Cherokee storyline, and it’s clear from the promo and synopsis that this is a big one for the episode.

It’s hard to say exactly what to expect. What we can tell is that we’ll get some of Young Ian’s story from his time with the Mohawk. Kaheroton is visiting the Cherokee, and it’s clear that Young Ian isn’t happy based on the promo.

The images tell us more. We see Alexander Cameron, who is another Indian Agent for the Crown. There is a dual happening.

Outlander Season 6, Episode 4 dual images

Take a look at the images that focus on the dual. It’s not clear why this is happening right now. However, we know that Cameron is going to encourage Jamie to reconsider his position as an Indian Agent. Jamie is going to have to reconsider soon anyway. The war is almost here.

Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

Outlander Season 6, Episode 4
Outlander Season 6, Episode 4 /

Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

Bird is happy with the guns

The images also tell us that Jamie is going to deliver the guns that Major MacDonald brought. He needs to protect the Cherokee as much as possible. Brianna will tell him all about the Trail of Tears. However, the guns aren’t going to be enough.

For now, Bird is happy, though. He has what he requested, and he can trust Jamie and Young Ian even more.

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Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

Outlander Season 6
Outlander Season 6 /

Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

Outlander Season 6, Episode 4
Outlander Season 6, Episode 4 /

Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ /

Back at the Ridge in Outlander Season 6, Episode 4

There is also an image from the Ridge included. Lizzie and one of the Beardsley twins are sitting at a table, and it looks like this could be in Claire’s surgery. Is this when she asks them to try out the ether to help Malva practice? It’s also possible that the two are caught getting up to something. After all, Roger shared that people are noticing how protective the twins are of Lizzie.

Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ /

And we can’t overlook the one of Jamie and Fergus. Jamie will try to find something for Fergus to do to make him feel useful.

OUtlander spoilers
Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ /

dark. Next. 5 big takeaways from the Outlander Season 6, Episode 4 promo and synopsis

What do you hope to see in Outlander Season 6, Episode 4? What do you spot in the images? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Outlander airs on Sundays on STARZ.