Outlander Book Club: Drums of Autumn Chapter 27 breakdown

Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
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Outlander Season 4 — Courtesy of Mark Mainz/STARZ

Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter

There is a little bit of foreshadowing in the chapter. Jamie slips up a few times and he thinks about how John is the last connection to Willie. Eventually, Willie is going to learn the truth.

It’s a fictional story. Secrets like this can never stay hidden, even though in the real world, a secret like this probably would stay hidden. We’re going to get to see just how Willie reacts to the news that he’s not the son of an Earl but the son of a Scottish Jacobite.

A lot of people view Willie as a brat after learning the truth. It’s a huge secret for him to learn and would change everything about his life if this secret got out to others. Plus, he is still relatively young when he learns the truth. He struggles with his emotions and his identity. It’s no wonder he acts the way he does! That’s not being a brat but being a young man who is trying to figure out who he is, angry at the people who lied to him.

Adapting the Drums of Autumn chapter

Outlander Book 4, Chapter 27 was used for the TV series, but not quite in the same way. We didn’t get everything between Jamie and Willie, but we got enough. After all, this part did have to be condensed to fit in Claire and Joh’s parts into the same episode.

We did get that moment between Jamie and Willie in the woods at night. It was a chance for Jamie and Willie to bond a little, but in the TV show, Willie remembered Mac. Considering the role Jamie played in Willie’s upbringing in his earlier years, memories could start to come back the longer Willie spent with Jamie, so I didn’t mind the change.

Plus, it meant the ending to the episode meant more. Willie looked back, hinting that Willie could return.

Overall, both the book and the TV show did the same thing. We got that bonding moment between the two, seeing Jamie get to be a father to his son, even just briefly.

What did you spot while reading Drums of Autumn Chapter 27? Let us know in the comments below.

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