Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter
This chapter is setting up the things to come. It foreshadows everything that is going to happen at Fraser’s Ridge involving the Mueller family and the Tuscarora people.
It’s only after that Claire really understands what Nayawenne meant. It’s the measles that kills many and leads to the Gehard Muelle to kill Nayawenne, Gabrielle, and Berthe. He does it out of revenge, and Claire can’t help but feel devastated for the loss.
However, she has to realize that it was the sickness that lead to all this and nothing to do with Claire’s abilities as a healer.
Adapting the Drums of Autumn chapter
The important parts of the chapter were used for the TV show. Of course, the entire bear attack storyline was adapted—and I still prefer the way the show did it—and it shortened the time down for this particular storyline to come up.
Everything was connected. We got the Frasers starting their home, a potential war with their Cherokee (in the show) neighbors, and then the “bear” attack. Jamie still becomes known as Bear Killer and it leads to the friendship with the Cherokee neighbors. It all leads to Adawehi (in the show) telling Claire about Claire’s hair turning white and coming into her powers.
There is also a mention of sickness not being Claire’s fault. All of this is essential to connect to the measles and Mueller storylines in the following episode.
It is a shame that the show had to reduce so much. I would have loved to see more of Tantoo Cardinal on Outlander. However, the important elements were included and, sometimes in adaptations, that’s all that matters.
The change of clothes doesn’t happen in the show. Part of that will have been due to time, but the biggest reason would have been the change to the storyline. The Cherokee people turned up as Myers thanked Claire for saving his life. Remember, he was part of the storyline in the TV series.
What did you spot while reading Drums of Autumn Chapter 20? Let us know in the comments below.
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