Claire learns about the seer’s visions during Outlander Book 2, Chapter 41
During Outlander Book 2, Chapter 41, Simon Fraser makes a decision. However, that comes after Claire learns about Maisri the Seer’s visions about the Old Fox.
The chapter is an important one to understand how some of the Fraser men got to Culloden. After all, we’d read in the previous chapter that Jamie arranged for his men to desert Charles Stuart’s army. He didn’t think anyone would notice them.
Before Simon Fraser could make a decision, though, Claire needed to get to the bottom of the Seer’s vision. Maisri opened up to her, possibly feeling some sort of connection because of the rumors about Claire being a white lady. It meant Claire had information that she could use to get some sort of positive outcome from the visit.
The chapter was only very loosely used during Outlander Season 2. Only the basics were part of the series, mostly to get to the point of some of the men heading back out with Jamie. I don’t think it changed too much in the overall story.
As for the chapter itself, the ending pushes us into the next stage of the story. It’s not foreshadowing as such, but it makes you want to read on. It’s time to get into the breakdown of Dragonfly in Amber Chapter 41.