We see some of the treatment Jamie has faced in Outlander Book 1, Chapter 35
Claire and Murtagh find a way into Wentworth Prison, giving them the chance to formulate some sort of plan to rescue him. Will it be in time? Here’s our breakdown of Outlander Book 1, Chapter 35.
This is certainly not an easy chapter to read, especially towards the end. We get some of the details of the things Jamie has faced while in Wentworth Prison. However, it’s told only from Claire’s point of view.
The show offered something a little different. Instead of Jamie later telling Claire what happened, the series shows us the events. The penultimate episode of the season only gives us a little look at the events, with the finale going back into the details of what Black Jack Randall did to Jamie once Claire left.
While it is a difficult chapter to read, it’s an important one. This whole chapter sets up the rest of the book. It also sets up Jamie’s deep hatred for Black Jack Randall. In fact, it sets up Claire’s deep hatred for the man. They both would have already hated him, but this is the moment where there’s no redeeming the man in their eyes.
The ending to the chapter also sees Claire literally fight for her life. It’s not against Black Jack Randall, though. It’s a scene that was completely cut from the show (likely for logistical and budget reasons), but we’ll get into that during the show breakdown section.
This chapter is a long one, at more than an hour and 20 minutes on Audible. However, it’s packed with information and emotion. It’s also the longest of all Part Seven, which is starts for us.