Jenny gives birth during Outlander Book 1, Chapter 32
Can you believe we’re onto the chapter of Jenny giving birth? Outlander Book 1, Chapter 32 is an essential chapter, as it sets up the storyline as to why Jamie and Claire remain at Lallybroch for as long as they did.
This is another short chapter. It’s also contained on just the one focus. It’s all about Jenny’s birth and thoughts that come with that.
While the show made this part all about Claire being out of her depths but saving Jenny and baby Maggie’s lives, the book just mad her a bystander of sorts. She was there to lend a helping hand for the midwife. I’ll get into my thoughts about why this happened when we get into the adaptation section of our Outlander Book Club post.
There wasn’t too much in the way of foreshadowing, I don’t think. Most of the focus is in the moment. It’s about Jenny and about the birth. We also get a sense of the dangers of childbirth in the 18th century.
The ending is important for Claire and Jamie. It brings them closer together, as they accept what may or may not be.
As we start to get snug into July, here’s a look at Outlander Book 1, Chapter 32’s breakdown.