Roger decided he wanted to be the one to kill Bonnet? Would he get that chance? Here are his three best moments from Outlander Season 5, Episode 10.
There was a lot happening on Outlander Season 5, Episode 10 for Brianna, but that doesn’t take away from some of Roger’s great moments. As we continue our look back at the episode, we move onto Roger’s best three moments.
This was an episode that focused on Stephen Bonnet. Knowing that he is a huge threat to Bree and Jemmy, Jamie decides that it’s time to take the fight to him. Roger goes with him, making it clear that he has to be the one to kill Bonnet.
We know how it all played out now. Here are Roger’s three best moments from “Mercy Shall Follow Me.”
3. Wanting the kill
Roger makes it known that he wants to be the one to kill Bonnet. But he doesn’t just say it half-heartedly. He says this with conviction, and he already knows how Jamie is likely to react. Bringing up all of Jamie’s objections quickly, Roger makes it clear that Bonnet is his.
There’s a great moment between them as we see just how much their bond has changed. Roger is also a changed man after everything at Alamance, and we see that again when he holds Wylie up against a wall.
2. Taking down Bonnet
At the end, Claire and Jamie rush to Brianna to make sure she’s safe. Knowing that her parents will look after her—mostly that her mom will—Roger rushes off after Bonnet. They cannot let him get away this time.
We get this excellent scene where Roger makes it clear that he is in this fight. He’s not letting Bonnet get away this time. However, he stops before he kills the man. Roger hasn’t completely changed, but he only stops once he knows Bonnet is knocked out.

1. Mercy or to make sure?
The very end of the episode sees Bonnet sentenced to death by drowning. Brianna shoots him before he can drown, which brings me to my final Roger moment. He needs to know if Bree shot him out of mercy or just to make sure he was dead.
It’s a question she doesn’t answer, but you can see the look in Roger’s eyes that he’s just not sure. And there’s a hint of him being annoyed that she could have done it out of mercy. Yet, maybe part of him would have wanted this too had he known Bonnet’s deepest, darkest fear? It’s another layer to this character and to Roger and Bree’s relationship.
What were your favorite Roger moments from Outlander Season 5, Episode 10? Share them in the comments below.
Outlander Season 5 continues on Sundays at 8/7c on STARZ.