Diana Gabaldon found an except from Outlander Book 9 that focuses on something we’re dealing with now: cooking with limited supplies.
Diana Gabaldon has helped us through the book Droughtlander with her Outlander Book 9 Daily Lines. Most of the excerpts have just been fun to read, but her most recent one covers something that we’re all struggling with right now.
As we’re all stuck inside and dealing with limited supplies in stores, we’re trying to cook meals with items we already have in the house. At the same time, we want to remain healthy. If you’re anything like me, you’ve got some lentils, chickpeas, frozen vegetables, and fresh fruit in the cupboards, freezer, and fridge. But what about if you lived in the 18th century?
The short excerpt (and it is much shorter than usual) gives us a look at Claire’s dislike of cooking in the 18th century. It’s not just the cooking, it’s the figure out what to cook part. Claire has to spend time remembering everything they have on hand to be able to cook with. It’s not like she can just quickly nip to the grocery store or a local market like she would be able to do in the 1960s.
Claire also talks about the need to keep people healthy. Something she is happy about is that nobody has died of scurvy, which was a huge problem in the past. The reason the British were known as “Limeys” is because they would eat limes on ships to avoid scurvy.
While Claire doesn’t have access to limes, she can at least get apples and raisins into people. Nuts are another important staple in the diet of the Frasers and MacKenzies.
Here’s the Outlander Book 9 Daily Lines excerpt to enjoy during this time of limited supplies.
A quickie–that made me think of the interesting challenges of cooking these days, when what you make for dinner might…
Posted by Diana Gabaldon on Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Outlander Book 9 is still being written by Diana Gabaldon. More on the release date when we have it.