Brianna has completely straight hair in the 20th century. It’s left a lot of Outlander fans confused by how her hair is so curly in the past. Here’s how!
During her time in the 20th century on Outlander, Brianna’s hair is completely straight. Yet, when she heads to the past, she has curly hair, very much like her mother’s. It’s led to many questions, as some fans are confused by the “inconsistency.” It’s not an inconsistency, though.
The idea of Brianna’s hair changing is completely understandable. We just have to look at flashes of Brianna as a child to see. She did once have curly hair. So how is it so straight in the 20th century as she gets old?
It’s all to do with ironing her hair. This is something many women would have done in the past. Even Claire did it, and nobody questioned why Claire’s hair went back to being curly when she headed through the stones. Brianna would have wanted to fit in with the others in her time.
Ironing the hair wasn’t just not considered in the 18th century, but it just wouldn’t have been possible (or even safe if it was!). So, Brianna’s hair would have been left in its natural state, which means curly just like Claire’s. The humidity in North Carolina probably wouldn’t help matters, either!
So, really, it’s not an inconsistency. It’s not something weird that happens through the stones. There’s a genuine reason for a change of hairstyle for Brianna.
What questions do you have about the characters on Outlander? What have you always thought was an inconsistency on the series? Share your thoughts in the comments below.