Are you ready to get fitter in 2020? There’s still time to sign up for My Peak Challenge 2020, but first Sam Heughan wants you to do the #PeakStreak 2020.
There’s still plenty of time to sign up to My Peak Challenge 2020. It doesn’t start until Feb. 3 (but you can sign up after if you want), but there’s a mini challenge to get you warmed up. Sam Heughan wants you to do the #PeakStreak 2020.
Heughan took to Facebook to wish everyone a Happy New Year, bringing an update for the start of My Peak Challenge 2020. This is an event that he co-runs with the aim to get people healthier. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to lose weight. The aim is to change your eating habits and improve your fitness routine.
To start it all, Sam Heughan suggests the #PeakStreak 2020, which you can do right now. It’s very simple to remember. You need to do 20 minutes of activity in 20 days of January. Those 20 days can be any of the 31 days (well, okay, 29 now) of the month, so you can fit it into your schedule.
The best thing is that 20 minutes is doable. And it’s suitable for all, because “activity” can mean reading or just walking! Yep, you read that right. After all, getting healthy isn’t just about your physical health but also about your mental health.
There’s a PDF document to download that will give you a list of activities that you could do. Now is your chance to start the new decade off right and get warmed up for My Peak Challenge 2020.
Don’t forget to use the #PeakStreak and #MyPeakChallenge hashtags (there are a few others you can use too!) when you share your updates on social media.
What are you doing to start off the new year just right? Will you sign up for My Peak Challenge 2020? What are you doing to take part in the #PeakStreak 2020? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
My Peak Challenge 2020 begins on Feb. 3, 2020.