Ford v Ferrari is now out in theaters: Catch Caitriona Balfe in her new role

Caitriona Balfe and Christian Bale in Twentieth Century Fox’s FORD V FERRARI.
Caitriona Balfe and Christian Bale in Twentieth Century Fox’s FORD V FERRARI.

You’ve been waiting for it since you learned she was in it and now you can watch it. Caitriona Balfe’s Ford v Ferrari is out in theaters now.

Looking for something to watch this weekend to get through Droughtlander? Caitriona Balfe’s movie, Ford v Ferrari, is now out in theaters.

Titled Le Mans 66 in Europe, the movie focuses on that titular race. It was a huge deal, as Ford took on Ferrari (hence the North American title) to win the race. This was a chance for Ford to prove its worthiness in car racing.

More from Caitriona Balfe

Christian Bale and Matt Damon are the two leads, but the movie wouldn’t be anything without Caitriona Balfe’s Mollie Miles. A woman of her generation, she gave up everything for her husband’s dream. An avid car fan herself, she knew the dangers but didn’t hold Ken Miles back. That’s what makes her stand out so much in this movie, as she gives as good as she gets but is there 100% for Ken.

Now you get to watch it in theaters. It’s out nationwide, offering you the chance to see Balfe take on a different role to Claire Fraser. While the two women do have their similarities, they have some major differences (and not just the fact that one can time travel and is completely fictional).

Sure, Ford v Ferrari is nothing like Outlander. There’s no Jamie Fraser and it’s not about the Revolutionary War, which is coming in Season 5 and beyond. However, that doesn’t stop it from being a movie you need to check out to support our leading lady.

Check out the trailer for Ford v Ferrari below:

What are you watching in the theaters right now? What are you watching to get through Droughtlander? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Ford v Ferrari is now out in theaters.