5 best Brianna moments in Outlander Season 4, Episode 12

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
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Outlander — Courtesy of STARZ — Acquired via STARZ Media Center

2. Wanting to further condemn Bonnet

Before knowing that she needed to see Bonnet to gain closure, Brianna did want to further condemn him. At the beginning of Outlander Season 4, Episode 12, Brianna made it clear that she wanted to add the attack to her on the list of charges.

Rather than argue against Lord John Grey’s words of how it would shame her, she understood. Despite being a woman out of her time, she is willing to listen when she just needs to accept the ways and the judgment of the time period. I gained a lot of respect as she held her tongue since it’s not like she could change the view of others.

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1. Standing up against Bonnet

In the cell, Brianna was calm and collected. We’ve seen the fiery passion come out when she’s angry, but she managed to get the closure she needed. And as Bonnet taunted her, Brianna held her own.

Bonnet being in chains likely helped give her the confidence to stand up and make her intentions clear. She wasn’t mean in her words, but truthful and the truth can hurt. She knew her way of cutting him down. As he thought part of him would live on, she made it clear that her child would never know anything about him.

What were your favorite Brianna moments in Outlander Season 4, Episode 12? What did you hope to see happen? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Outlander Season 4, Episode 13 airs on Sunday on STARZ.