5 best Roger moments on Outlander Season 4, Episode 12

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center /
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4. Trying to get the priest to put himself first

After the priest is tortured, Roger spends time cleaning the wound where his ear was. It’s then time to discuss what had happened and what’s to come next. Roger wants the priest to put himself first.

This comes off the back of Roger talking about putting himself first. It’s clear that part of him can’t do that. He wants the priest to do it, though.

What we get is a look at what Roger will do to save himself, though. If he had the option of pretending to baptise a baby or not, he’d do it. He’d make sure he lived. In a way, it’s smart, but it also shows that his beliefs are vastly different to the priest and part of that will be the priest being Catholic and him being Presbyterian.

However, you can see that he wants this priest to fight for his own survival. He wants to know that someone else can survive. In a way, it’s hope for him, that he’ll be able to get out.

3. Planning escape

While the priest was being tortured, Roger decided that he wasn’t sticking around. He would get out if he could, and that led to him digging for a way out.

What he’d planned on doing after that wasn’t clear. He’d be in the middle of a forest with no food and no idea where exactly he was. Chances are he would have died (more on that in another article) but he was focused on getting to safety.

He was relatively smart about it too. He found the best section of the hut to dig from, used a tool to manage it, and made sure something was around to cover up his hole. I’m not sure how he dug three feet or so on the other side, but I’ll leave that for another day.