19. Jamie mourning Claire
Jamie fully expected to die on the battlefield. After all, that’s why he sent Claire through the stones to begin with. He’s prepared for his death by signing over Lallybroch to Jenny and her family, then preparing for Claire and the child’s future. What he didn’t prepare for is his survival and then having to explain where Claire went.
We see him explain to people like Jenny and Ian, who clearly know there’s more to the story, but don’t press him.
I think it’s a small scene on the battlefield while Jamie is laying, dying in the mud. The men are saying their farewells to their wives and families before being taken to be killed. Someone asks Jamie if he’s like someone to help him write a letter to Claire. He simply says: “She’s gone.”
Jamie is taken outside, where he believes he is to be killed and he says, “I’ll see you again soon.”
And I cry every single time.
The love between Claire and Jamie is heartbreaking and their loss is unbearable.