21. Claire and Jamie are separated once again
Our hearts nearly broke when Jamie forced Claire to travel back to Frank (and safety) just moments before the Battle of Culloden. We cried along with them, as they were separated and Claire was forced to leave the man she loved to what we all believed would be his certain death.
So when they were separated again, so soon after being reunited, we all about lost it once again.
This time Claire and Jamie were separated by water. The couple was on a ship heading to the Caribbean in an attempt to find Young Ian, who had been kidnapped.
While on the ship another ship — an English military vessel — required assistance. There was sickness aboard and they were hoping for a doctor.
Of course, that meant that Claire would leave the ship (and Jamie) to see to the patients. Jamie was hesitant to let Claire leave and wanted to accompany her aboard, but she insisted he stay until she knew if the sickness was contagious.
Unfortunately, while Claire was attending to the sick, the ship began to sail off with Jamie desperately calling for her. There was no hope of catching the huge English warship and Claire had no choice.