11. Fergus’ rape
This is hard to write about. Rape of anyone is a delicate subject, but the rape of a child is even worse. This plot moment was heartbreaking for many reasons.
Obviously, it was traumatic for Fergus, but it was also a turning point in Claire and Jamie’s life. When Jamie walked in on “Black” Jack Randall raping Fergus, he knew he couldn’t keep the promise he’d made to Claire to keep him alive.
Claire, of course, wanted to keep Randall alive at least until he had a child so that her first husband Frank would still be born.
Jamie, who had also been raped by Randall, wanted to kill him the minute he knew he’d survived, but loved Claire enough to allow her the year. Until he saw Randall with Fergus, who was being raised and cared for by Claire and Jamie.
The event led to a duel, which Claire tried to stop — and miscarried their first child together in the process. Jamie was arrested and sent to jail before ever telling Claire the reason for him wanting Randall dead. It was Fergus who later told Claire the story in a dramatic fashion that really solidified the moment as one of the most heartbreaking moments of the series thus far.