Outlander: 25 most gut-wrenching moments so far

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
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Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room

15. Jamie looking for Claire on Silky Island

Though Jamie knew that Claire was gone, it was obvious that he still wanted her near. He saw her in everything he did — even at Culloden. Probably the most heartbreaking moment came when he thought she’d come back to him while he was at Ardsmuir Prison.

Jamie is asked to speak with Duncan Kerr and report back to John Grey what he learns of the man. Grey believes that the man knows something about a treasure.

Most of what Jamie learns is incoherent, but he does mention a white witch multiple times. This is how Claire is often referred to in the 1700s. Jamie immediately believes that Claire is somehow involved. He learns where the treasure is kept, but does not tell Grey.

Three days later, Jamie escapes from Ardsmuir in hopes of finding Silky Island and in turn, finding Claire. After an arduous journey through land and sea, he arrives at the island and desperately calls for his one true love.

Of course, we know that she isn’t there and the feeling of utter heartbreak is palpable.

Jamie finds the treasure, but leaves it and turns himself in. The only treasure he truly wants is gone forever.