Outlander: 25 most gut-wrenching moments so far

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
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Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room

16. Learning Jack Randall is still alive

The last time Jack Randall was seen alive was just moments after brutally torturing and raping Jamie at Wentworth Prison. Claire, along with help, rescued him. In the confusion, it appeared as though Randall had been trampled to death.

Claire and Jamie thought no different until word reached Claire that Randall had somehow survived. Claire kept the secret from Jamie, thinking he’d slide back into the depression he suffered after the attack. Unfortunately, they run into Randall during an event at the Palace of Versailles.

It’s clear that Jamie wants to seek his revenge (and rightly so), but Claire begs him to wait one year. Just long enough for him to father a child, which would be the lineage to her estranged husband back in the 1940s. She was desperate to make sure that her (or Jamie’s) actions would not cause Frank to not exist.

Jamie reluctantly agreed to one year. As it later turns out, Randall was NOT the lineage to Frank, but Frank’s brother was. Randall only acted as the father as a favor to his dying brother.

Oh, how the web is twisted.