23. When Jamie pushes Claire off his horse
When it happened: Season 1, Episode 1
Any tension between Claire and Jamie? There was plenty of tension between the two and the whole group, as Claire found herself a Sassenach in a dangerous world.
Why it’s the best: In the very first episode, we got the start of this budding relationship. Neither knew it was going to turn into a relationship, but we got the start of it. And Jamie was immediately protective of this English woman who had helped pop his shoulder back into its joint without breaking his arm.
One of the best things about this was that Jamie had listened to Claire and taken her seriously. The others would have likely ignored her and then they’d have been killed. Jamie heard every word she had to say about the rock and how it gave an ambusher the advantage and made sure the others listened.
But the great moment didn’t stop there. He protected her by pushing her from his horse. Sure, she tried to flee after that (and fortunately, it was Jamie who caught up with her) but he didn’t think of her attempt to escape. He just wanted to make sure she was safe. It was that first sign of seeing that and will always stick in our minds.