7. Land Girls
Number of seasons: 3
Who it stars: Becci Gemmell, Susan Cookson, and Mark Benton star in the World War II-set series.
What it’s about: Set during the Second World War, the series tells the story of the women who worked the land. We’re taken through the lives of four members of the Women’s Land Army sent to Hoxley Estate while the men were off fighting.
This isn’t just a tale of what they did. We see the relationships and bonds they form, the people they meet, and just what it was like knowing there were others off fighting a war. Plus, this brings in the tale of the women left behind and the jobs they needed to do to help support the country.
Why watch it: One of the most obvious reasons to watch this series as an Outlander fan is the fact that it’s set in World War II. This was the time period Claire came from, as a nurse during the war. Unlike Claire, the women stayed behind and did the jobs that the men had left behind.
Also like Outlander, is a sense of lead women in an area they’re not originally from. They have to create new bonds, get to know the locals, and manage jobs that weren’t originally meant for them. All that brings judgment and expectations.
There are plenty of twists and turns in the soap opera-like setting. This isn’t one to make light of the period or the jobs women did, but it does need to be entertaining at the same time!