4. The tea leaves and palm readings
While Frank and Reverend Wakefield discuss the Jacobites, Black Jack Randall, and the Duke of Sandringham, Claire and Mrs. Graham spend time together. With a little snippet about rationing (by the way, there would have still been some rationing at this point in time), Mrs. Graham reads Claire’s tea leaves.
There’s certainly tension, but I love the whole moment. Don’t only do we get the tea leaves, but also the palm reading. And of course, there are the connections of druidism and Catholicism–this is something mentioned throughout the episode.

The palm reading sets up everything that’s to come. For those who have never read the books, the palm reading is easily overlooked as just some filler. Some may not pay close attention to everything that is said. However, it brings out Claire’s story immediately. We get a snippet of what will happen when she falls through the stones.
While one of my issues with this scene is the lack of bond formed between Claire and Mrs. Graham (something I felt more in the books), it’s still a beautiful addition to the episode. It remains a favorite every time it comes up.