Outlander Season 3 saw a shift in Claire and Jamie’s relationship. Here’s a look at the transformation and why it was definitely a realistic story.
Outlander Season 3 was certainly a journey and that didn’t include the trip to Jamaica or back through the stones. It was a journey for Claire and Jamie, involving them finding each other again and who they were now individually and as a couple.
As there have certainly been parts of this storyline adapted from the novels, today I’m just going to look at the journey Claire and Jamie took in Outlander Season 3. Those who haven’t read the books for whatever reason (I totally get it) can read this without being confused or spoiled of the love story in the novels.
In Outlander Season 3, we start with Claire and Jamie separated by time. They spend 20 years living separate lives in completely different time periods, which certainly affected their relationship when Claire went back to the 18th century. We were never going to see them go back to the loved-up married couple they were. Too much had happened for both of them.
#TransformationTuesday is the perfect day to look back over the way the relationship adapted. Here’s a look at how each changed and why their storylines separately and together made sense.