Outlander buttons at Pacific NW Highland Games this weekend

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room

If you’re heading to the Pacific NW Highland Games this weekend, you’ll want to look out for the Outlander buttons. Which one of the four will you pick?

Highland Games take place across the globe and are a chance to celebrate Scottish culture and history. Many people attend, whether they have roots or not. Since the start of Outlander, more people have decided to take part in the games and visit to see what’s going on. That’s meant a rise in merchandise and offerings for us Sassenachs. Outlander buttons are available at the Pacific NW Highland games and there are four to choose from.

The buttons will be available via an Outlander fan group. The Outlander Fanatics of WA State will be at the games with a booth of their own, and all four buttons will be available for fans. All four are beautiful, but some have more meaning than others depending on if you’re a book or a show-only fan.

My favorite has to be the “Hello the House” button, which will become more poignant as the seasons go on. You’ll see a little log cabin in the button, which represents Claire and Jamie’s home they make in the Colonies.

More from Outlander Fandom

The games start tonight and will run right through the weekend and it’s all taking place in Seattle. There’s music all weekend, with a bunch of classic and traditional games. Even if you don’t want to take part, there is plenty for you to see and do, with a lot of delicious food to try. If you are interested in taking part, don’t forget to register on the day.

This is a family event. Everyone is welcome and you can do as much or as little as you want. You can find out more about the Pacific NW Highland Games if you’re interested in attending this weekend at the official website.

Which of the Outlander buttons will you choose? Are you going to make a last-minute trip to the Highland Games? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Get your tickets to the Pacific NW Highland Games at the official website.