Celebrating the Outlander dads for Father’s Day

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room /
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Outlander dads
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room /

The brothers MacKenzie

Let’s not forget Colum and Dougal, who are both fathers to the same boy. Colum claimed his son as his own, but the child was actually fathered by Dougal. This is something Claire realizes, but it turns out that it was all a plan. Colum needed an heir and Dougal and Letitia gave him one knowingly.

The two have been important men in their son’s life. While Colum raised his as laird of a household, Dougal could allow him to have some fun and get him ready for the war side of things.

Brian Fraser and Murtagh

Two men who cannot be forgotten about are Brian and Murtagh. They both helped to raise Jamie and made him the man he is today. In fact, Jamie continues to think about how his father raised him with opinions both for and against treatment.  While we don’t see a lot of Brian, we know that he was a loving father and a strict but fair man.

As for Murtagh, well, he looked out for Jamie when nobody else would. He was willing to sacrifice his life for his godson and literally went to the ends of the country in search for him in the first book (and season). This was a man who may not have agreed with every decision but went along with them to make sure his boy was safe.