Outlander fans, cast, and crew commemorate the Battle of Culloden

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room /

The Battle of Culloden plays such an important role in Outlander, it’s not surprising that the cast, crew, and fans commemorated the 272nd anniversary on April 16, 2018.

April 16 comes around too quickly for many of us. It’s an important date for Outlander fans, as it’s the anniversary of the Battle of Culloden. Whether or not you know all the facts, it doesn’t matter. You can still find yourself thinking about the real men, women, and children who were killed during the battle and in the aftermath.

To commemorate the 272nd anniversary of the battle, Outlander fans, cast, and crew have taken to social media to share their thoughts.

Matthew B. Roberts on Instagram

Showrunner Matt B. Roberts took to Instagram to share his way of commemorating the loss of so many people. With a caption stating he wasn’t old enough to have been there (well, he’s not a 200-year-old baby and even that baby wasn’t old enough!), he shared an image of filming for the Outlander Season 3 premiere.

Roberts isn’t a stranger to sharing images of past episodes, but this is a beautiful shot that portrays elements of the real battle.

Behind the scenes filming

If Roberts’ Instagram shot wasn’t enough of the Outlander behind the scenes imagery, Sam Heughan shared his own. This is possibly a deep one for fans, since it was Jamie who would go to fight and almost die at Culloden in the books and on the series.

National Library shares the battle plans

Want to see what the original battle plans looked like? The National Library shared that. While technically not a fan or part of the crew (although you never know if the National Library social media staff members are fans), the social media tweeted to author Diana Gabaldon with the battle plans and now Outlander fans have taken to sharing them.

The mound of the MacLeans

By the time the families were allowed onto the battlefield to bury their dead, most of the valuables had been taken. One Outlander shared that, along with a photo of the mound of the MacLeans.

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Watch Outlander with a FREE 7-day trial of Amazon Channels! /

A reminder of Black Jack Randall’s death

Of course, as an Outlander fan, you can’t help but celebrate the Battle of Culloden as the day of Black Jack Randall’s death. After the attempted rape (on two occasions) of Claire and the rape of Jamie while in Wentworth Prison, this was a character everyone wanted to see die. We didn’t actually see the full death quite as many of us hoped, but that silent dance on the battlefield was perfectly filmed to show the intensity between Black Jack and Jamie.

Another fan made it clear that Black Jack Randall’s death was the only good thing that came from all this.

Jamie’s thoughts on the battle

Another fan shared a snippet from Gabaldon’s “Voyager.” There are spoilers if you’ve not read the novel, but nothing you wouldn’t have gathered from the third season of the series.

A commemoration tweet

Another Outlander fan took the time to share a photo of the Battle of Culloden plaque. You can just about see people gathered around, hinting that this was taken at the time of a memorial service for the fallen.

Matthew B. Roberts also tweeted out a look at the commemorative plaque at Culloden, which author Gabaldon retweeted to mark the day.

Next: 7 things you didn't know about the Battle of Culloden

Did you commemorate the 272nd anniversary of the Battle of Culloden? Share your social media posts or messages below.

Follow Claire and Jamie on Twitter for more looks at the real history used in Outlander and more.