5 Tear-Jerker Scenes from ‘Outlander’ Season 1

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There were times we laughed. We smiled. There were times we drooled. We fell in love. And then there were times we bawled like babies.

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Perhaps one of the greatest things about Outlander is that it taps into the empathetic nature in all of us. We feel love, hatred, disgust, desire, sadness, and passion. And of the most powerful of those, second perhaps only to love, is sadness (and disgust…).

How many hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of us cried our eyes out during Season 1 of Outlander? I know I surely did. And I’m not even mentioning the books… This is just the TV show.

We probably all can describe at least one scene that had us so emotionally stepdaughter that we cried like we just got broken up with over the phone right before the middle school dance. Don’t lie. We all know it’s true.

Here, let’s revisit some of those moments. I know it’s tough, but feeling is human, and sometimes you just need a good cry.

Next: The Wedding