5 Best Things About the Outlander Television Show

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When Diana Gabaldon released the Outlander book in 1991, fans were clamoring for an adaption in the form of movie or television mini-series. It took a long time, but fans finally got the Outlander television show they deserve.

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The fans had already watched Outlander become a graphic novel and musical in 2010 and were anxiously waiting for a movie. Writer, Diana Gabaldon has been outspoken in her wish for Outlander to be into a television series and not a movie. She felt a major motion picture film could not depict all the events that happen in the book.

In the early 1990’s, cable channels like HBO were just starting to have success with original content series and specials. Who knew it would take twenty-three years from the first Outlander book for it to finally become the mega television hit fans thought it would be.

It is not to say fans were not concerned about how an Outlander television show would look. Fans concerns were for nothing. Here are five reasons why the Outlander television show is the best book to television adaptation ever.

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