What will happen to Buck in Outlander season 8?

Buck MacKenzie is still in 1739 with Roger and the rest of the MacKenzies. What will he do in Outlander season 8?
Courtesy: Starz
Courtesy: Starz

The Outlander season 7 finale saw Roger and Brianna reunite. What about Buck MacKenzie now?

Buck and Roger were on their way to the stones when Jemmy came out of the fog. With Brianna and Mandy just behind, it was clear that Buck no longer had to travel to 1980 to send a message to Brianna. It leads to questions about what Buck will do now.

It looks like Roger and Bree are going to head back to 1778. That makes the most sense. Family is there, Mandy no longer needs 20th century medical inventions, and 1980 is a dangerous time for them. Home is where the heart is, and that’s in 1778 on Fraser’s Ridge.

Where will Buck MacKenzie go next in Outlander?

So, what about Buck? Buck’s whereabouts aren’t mentioned in the Outlander books, as we’ve discussed at claireandjamie.com before. It’s a plot hole left open in Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone. Bree, Roger, and the children get back to 1778, but there is no Buck, and he’s not mentioned. The last we see of Buck, he’s outside Geillis’s house in Cranesmuir, and Roger pictures him in bed with Geillis and then disappearing in a blue light.

This gives the show allowances over what to do. We could find out that Buck attempts to get through the stones with Roger and Brianna. Maybe he could even go back to the Colonies with the family, leaving his wife to believe that he’s dead. Or maybe Buck attempts to go through the stones but dies on this last attempt.

It would seem odd that Buck doesn’t try to go through the stones at all. He clearly misses his son, and you can tell from the look on his face when Roger reunited with Bree that there was a sadness to it. He wished that he could have the same thing, but he believes that not being with his wife is the right thing for her and the family.

Could Buck decide to go to 1980 instead? He could move straight into Lallybroch. After all, he lived there for a while when he came through the stones and it was revealed that he was the person scaring Jemmy and Mandy. He was starting to accept life in 1980 before he decide to go back in time with Roger to help find Jemmy. It would be great for him to be at Lallybroch when Rob Cameron turned back up.

Maybe it will remain a plot hole forever. I do hope that the series at least mentions where Buck is in Outlander season 8. I just need a line to know what happened to him.

Outlander is available to stream on STARZ.

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