What did Evie put in the pond in The Couple Next Door?

Pete has a lot to be concerned about when it comes to his wife. What did Evie put in the koi pond in The Couple Next Door?
The Couple Next Door -- Courtesy of STARZ
The Couple Next Door -- Courtesy of STARZ

Evie is grieving and she’s unhappy with her life, but there’s far more going on in The Couple Next Door. She killed innocent fish during the most recent episode.

Caution: This post contains SPOILERS from The Couple Next Door season 1, episode 2.

After losing her baby, Evie is struggling. She’s putting on a brave face, but she needs to find a way to grieve the loss of her baby and move forward. Pete wants her to talk to him, but she won’t.

It seems like Danny gets Evie. He tells her that he’s also a fan of bottling things up, but this isn’t healthy. It takes a turn during the episode when Evie ends up putting something in the koi pond to kill the fish.

How and why did Evie kill the fish in The Couple Next Door?

At first, it looked like Evie was going out to feed the fish in the pond. Then we saw that she was putting handfuls of white pills into it instead. The fish eagerly ate the pills, and we knew what this would mean. They were being poisoned.

It’s not clear what the white pills were. They could just be something like paracetamol or another over-the-counter pain reliever. This would make the most sense as they would be easy to get, especially in a larger dose. Alternatively, Evie could have something left over from her IVF, but there just seems to be too much in that bucket.

Why would she kill the fish, though? Evie is in a mental decline. She is struggling with the grief, and she’s turning to some harmful distractions. Killing the fish is a sign of just how far she’s gone. She knows that she’ll get caught, and she knows that Pete will be hurt by her actions.

This is all a cry for help, but she probably doesn’t realize that right now. Pete will need to step in and get her the help needed, but we know from the way The Couple Next Door started that this probably won’t happen. It’s about to get worse before it can even get better.

The Couple Next Door airs on Fridays on STARZ.

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