The Gathering 2024 updates its guest list: Who isn't and is coming?

As with any convention, there's a change to the guest list at The Gathering 2024. One guest has been replaced by two. Here are the details.
The Gathering 2023 -- Courtesy of Alexandria Ingham
The Gathering 2023 -- Courtesy of Alexandria Ingham

We’re getting closer and closer to The Gathering 2024. There are some changes to the guest list that you’ll want to be aware of.

Conventions always end up with changes to the guest list. Actors will always have it in their contracts that production schedules will come first. If they end up on a show or movie that films at the same time, they’ll need to step away. After all, production work is their bread and butter.

That’s been the case for The Gathering 2024. However, Sasnak City never leaves us purely without. In this case, one guest not being able to make it has turned into two guests attending.

Who isn’t coming to The Gathering 2024?

Sadly, the chance of a daughter, mother, grandmother photoshoot is now off the table. Annette Badland is unable to make the Outlander convention. It’s great that she’s got a new production, though, so we can’t really complain about that.

Badland once spoke out about how she really only gets grandmother and nanny roles now that she’s let her natural white hair show. We’re hoping to see that she’s landed something different and fulfilling.

Who is coming to the Sasnak City event?

There are two guests now added to the convention, and this is first at The Gathering for one of them. The first is Caitlin O’Ryan, who plays Lizzie on the series. She is always a lot of fun, and it’s clear that she gets along with the cast well. It's exciting to see her back at Sasnak City's Outlander con.

Paul Gorman is also coming to the event. He plays the Beardsley twins, Jo and Keziah. We will hopefully get a duo with Caitlin considering the two play husband(s) and wife in Outlander. This is Gorman's first Sasnak City convention in person, although he did virtual chats when live events couldn't happen. He's made it to conventions in the past, and it's exciting to see the energy he brings here.

This should be it on the changes, but we always know that things can come up. There’s no telling what can happen even during the weekend of the event, as there have been times that actors have had to leave early. Let’s hope the Outlander gods are working in our favor.

The Gathering 2024 takes place between Nov. 14 and 17, 2024.