Will Quantum Leap Season 3 happen at NBC?

With the way things ended in Quantum Leap Season 2, it's clear we need a third season. Is that going to happen at NBC?

QUANTUM LEAP -- "As the World Burns" Episode 212 -- Pictured: (l-r) Nanrisa Lee as Jenn, Caitlin Bassett as Addison -- (Photo by: Jordin Althaus/NBC)
QUANTUM LEAP -- "As the World Burns" Episode 212 -- Pictured: (l-r) Nanrisa Lee as Jenn, Caitlin Bassett as Addison -- (Photo by: Jordin Althaus/NBC)

The Quantum Leap Season 2 finale did not disappoint. Even though it was a little obvious who Gideon was, we got a great story with some major twists in the end.

It looked like there was a way to bring Ben back home, too. However, it would mean a sacrifice for another character. In the end, we got a major cliffhanger that now has two characters leaping through time instead of just one.

We certainly need a third season to the story. Will that happen? Here’s what we know so far.

NBC is yet to renew Quantum Leap

We do start this with some bad news. NBC has not made a decision about the time travel drama just yet. It is disappointing, especially considering it was one of the only shows to premiere in the fall.

With the strike action, NBC couldn’t bring back all its scripted shows. However, the early renewal for Season 2 meant that writing and production work could start early. That mean there were eight episodes ready to go in the fall before the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes shut everything in production down.

Could Quantum Leap Season 3 happen?

We didn’t get an early renewal, though. The Irrational and Found, which also premiered in the fall, did get early renewals. It left us worried about the time travel drama. And looking at the linear ratings, we’re even more concerned.

This series didn’t get the best start in the first place. Then when it returned after its midseason break, it was on a different night at a later time. The lack of consistency in timeslots is always a problem for shows, and it is clear here that this became a major problem.

With the low linear numbers, there’s a strong chance that NBC will end up cancelling the series. It’s going to be disappointing considering the cliffhanger ending. NBC did this with Timeless but did end up giving it a wrap-up movie. Considering how the original series ended, we need a wrap up movie of some sort for Quantum Leap’s revival at the very least.

Quantum Leap is available to stream on Peacock.