Who are the dragons who need riders in House of the Dragon?

Jace pointed out that there are dragons beneath Dragonstone who need riders in House of the Dragon. Who are they, and will they find riders?
Photograph by Courtesy HBO.
Photograph by Courtesy HBO.

Rhaenyra and Jacaerys are on the hunt for dragonriders in House of the Dragon. As Jace says, there is no shortage of dragons.

We already know that Seasmoke is out there. He is listlessly flying around now that his rider is gone. It’s possible that Seasmoke knows that Laenor is still alive and feels abandoned, but it’s more likely that he feels lonely without a dragonrider. He wants to be part of the action.

We’ve met another one at the end of Season 1. Daemon sang to Vermithor, the second largest dragon in Westeros right now. What about the others?

Silverwing has already been mentioned in House of the Dragon

Jace named Vermithor and another dragon at Dragonstone. That second one is Silverwing. He is the last of the main dragons living on Dragonstone who has had a rider in the past. Others are roaming the lands, and have never been ridden. This makes these dragons much more dangerous.

They are:

Cannibal, who likes to feast on carcasses of dead dragons
Grey Ghost, who is elusive
Sheepstealer, who likes to steal a lot of sheep!

Will the dragons get riders in House of the Dragon?

In the book, the dragons do end up with some riders. Ulf White, Hugh Hammer, and Addam of Hull end up riding the three who have had riders in the past. In fact, Addam ends up with Seasmoke, who was Laenor’s dragon. With Alyn of Hull being confirmed as Corlys’s illegitimate son, it’s likely that Addam is as well. This would make Addam and Laenor half-brothers, and it’s fitting that Addam gets Seasmoke.

Hugh Hammer gets Vermithor and Ulf White gets Silverwing.

What about the elusive and free dragons? Grey Ghost and Cannibal don’t end up with riders, although people certainly try. It’s only Sheepstealer who ends up with a rider in the book. Nettles, who doesn’t even seem to be a dragonseed, ends up earning Sheepstealer’s trust by bringing him sheep to eat.

It’s not clear if Nettles’s storyline will even happen. There’s been no mention of her yet, and it looks like Rhaena could end up with that storyline. That means Morning’s storyline isn’t likely to happen, and I don’t know how I feel about that.