Who does Daemon see in his vision in the House of the Dragon Season 2 finale?

Daemon Targaryen finally accepts the magic of the Harrenhal godswood in the House of the Dragon Season 2 finale. Who does he see in his vision?
House of the Dragon season 2
House of the Dragon season 2

Daemon’s time in Harrenhal has been plagued by visions in House of the Dragon Season 2. They came to an end in the Season 2 finale, and this vision was the most important one of the lot.

The finale saw Daemon accept the magic of Harrenhal. Alys Rivers told him that it meant he was ready to see what the godswood had to show him. Sure enough, it was a vision that would lead to him declaring for Rhaenyra instead of attempting to take the Iron Throne for himself.

Daemon saw Aegon the Conqueror’s dream. This war is more than just a war for the Iron Throne. Only one will unite Westeros against the deadly threat coming from North of the Wall. Daemon sees the White Walkers and he sees Rhaenyra on the Iron Throne. Who else does he see?

Is that Aegon the Conqueror in the House of the Dragon Season 2 finale

Daemon is pulled into the vision by seeing a white-haired man who looks like he could be Aegon the Conqueror. He certainly looks like a Targaryen, but he is in a tree that looks similar to that one seen in Game of Thrones when Bran gets visions of the Three-Eyed Raven. Sure enough, there is also a Three-Eyed Raven.

It’s possible that this is Aegon, showing us the vision that he saw. There is the story of Aegon believing the story of the White Walkers coming. It would take the Prince Who Was Promised to take down the White Walkers.

Daemon sees Daenerys and her dragons in House of the Dragon

There is a flip to Daemon being in deep water, but then we cut to dragon eggs. That then cuts to fire, and we see a woman with her naked back on show. She has the white-blonde hair of Targaryens and there are three small dragons.

This is a vision of Daenerys hatching her dragons. Daemon sees how the Targaryen journey will end, and it hints that Daenerys was the Prince Who Was Promised after all.

This vision helps to set up Daemon choosing Rhaenyra. He now sees the vision that Viserys told Rhaenyra about, and confirms to Rhaenyra that the story is true. This fight is so much bigger than any of Westeros believes.