5 time travel shows to watch while waiting for Outlander Season 7B

Looking to hit the time travel part of Outlander while waiting for Season 7B? Here are five time travel shows you need to watch.
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ /
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Manifest is just one time travel series to watch while waiting for more Outlander

Time travel is one of the genres that Outlander fits into. After all, without Claire traveling back to the past through the stones, there wouldn’t be a series.

As we wait for more episodes of the series, you’ll want to find more shows that cover the topic of time travel. There are plenty out there from the years, whether it involves a machine that takes people back or forward in time or there’s an element of magic and the supernatural to the story.

We’ve covered time travel shows in the past, and we will try to avoid duplicating the suggestions. After all, there are so many time travel shows.

Start with Manifest

Netflix has a great series that you’ll want to watch. Manifest started as an NBC series with Netflix saving it to make sure the show could come to a conclusion.

It all starts with time travel. When a plane takes off from Jamaica to the United States, it goes through a terrible lightning storm. The pilot lands safely, but not in the same year that they took off. The plane has been missing for the last five-and-a-half years.

Of course, many have moved on in their lives since then. The series explores what it’s like for people in the past to suddenly show up, the mysteries of time travel, and what the passengers are really meant for in the world.

Manifest is available to stream on Netflix.