The Tattooist of Auschwitz age rating: This could be an option for older teens

The Tattooist of Auschwitz premieres on Peacock on Thursday, May 2. Is this a Holocaust drama to watch with the kids or not?
Jonah Hauer-King as Lali Sokolov meets Anna Próchniak as Gita Furman for the first time.
Jonah Hauer-King as Lali Sokolov meets Anna Próchniak as Gita Furman for the first time.

We can never have enough Holocaust dramas. It’s a part of history that needs to be remembered, especially as we come to an end of people who lived through it being around to tell their stories. The Tattooist of Auschwitz brings the story of a love story that happened within the camps, but is this suitable for children?

As the series isn’t out just yet, it’s hard to find the official age rating. I’d put this as a TV-MA, though. While I could see older teens learning from it, it’s not for the younger members of the household, and a TV-14 rating may be a little too young for some of the subject matter.

The Tattooist of Auschwitz includes the atrocities against the Jews

We know about the atrocities against the people in concentration camps. Auschwitz has been recorded as one of the worst, so we’re sure to see some of that play out on screen. The show isn’t graphic in nature for the sake of being graphic. It’s all to tell the true story of what people went through. After all, this is loosely based on a true story.

The novel itself doesn’t shy away from the things that the people went through. It is a Young Adult novel, but I wouldn’t recommend it to younger readers. This is some tough subject matter, and as much as they need to learn about the Holocaust, it can be a lot for younger minds to grapple with.

This isn’t as heavy as the likes of A Small Light and We Were the Lucky Ones. It doesn’t develop the characters as much, and part of that is linked to the source material that it is based on. However, it does bring to light the horror of concentration camps, leaving little to the imagination in that aspect.

This part of history needs to be remembered or we are doomed to repeat it. This story is worth watching with older teens so you can have discussions about it, but I wouldn’t recommend it for younger teens and younger children.

The Tattooist of Auschwitz premieres on Peacock on Thursday, May 2.