Is The Decameron based on a true story? (or a book?)

The Decameron is an eight-episode comedic period drama that focuses on the lives of nobles during the Black Plague. Is it based on true events?
Decameron. (L to R) Lou Gala as Neifile, Douggie
McMeekin as Tindaro, Tanya Reynolds as Licisca, Amar Chadha-Patel as Dioneo and Tony Hale as Sirisco in Episode 103 of Decameron. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024
Decameron. (L to R) Lou Gala as Neifile, Douggie McMeekin as Tindaro, Tanya Reynolds as Licisca, Amar Chadha-Patel as Dioneo and Tony Hale as Sirisco in Episode 103 of Decameron. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024

Not all historical fiction is based on a true story. However, it can feel like it should be. Before you delve into a series, you’ll want to know if there is anything true. The Decameron is the latest period drama. Is there an ounce of truth to it?

The Decameron is actually loosely inspired by the novel of the same name by Giovanni Boccaccio. This 14th century author put together 10 tales that may or may not have been told during the height of the Black Death during the time that he was alive.

It follows a group of 10 nobles. They flee to the Italian countryside to avoid the bubonic plague of the time, and they need to find a way to entertain themselves. Each night, one member must tell a story. This can be something they know to be true or just a work of fiction, and so we end up with 10 short stories in the book.

The Decameron isn’t based on true accounts at the time

It’s worth noting that while there will have been nobles who fled the cities during the Black Death of 1348, this series isn’t actually based on any true accounts. It’s a show that is inspired by the book, and it’s made for fun.

At the same time, it brings to light some relatable stories, even for today’s world. This is a story of power struggles, wealth, and survival. Everyone is trying to survive the world’s worst pandemic of the time—and yes, the element of the Black Death is based on truth. This did happen, and it was catastrophic for Europe.

We get a look at what money can offer. The wealthiest people of Europe were able to shield themselves away from the real issues of the pandemic at the time. It’s something that we all know happened during the 2020 pandemic, with many of the world’s wealthiest people able to shield themselves from the realities of social distancing and lockdowns.

So, while it’s not based on a true story, there will be elements that feel real. The series itself is a fun ride into a book that inspired the story.