Have the Outlander Season 8 leaked photos shown us Bluebell?

We're going through all the leaked photos of Outlander Season 8 filming. Have they shown us that Bluebell is coming into the story?
Outlander season 7 part 2 on Starz
Outlander season 7 part 2 on Starz

As we pour over the leaked photos from Outlander Season 8, we start to look at storylines still to come from the books. We need to look at Written in My Own Heart’s Blood and Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone for these leaked photos. There is one with a dog that stands out. Could it be a new dog that comes into the books?

You can see the dog under an umbrella, looking like everyone is in between takes. It’s a large dog that is most definitely not Rollo, but is it another dog from the books? Will we get to meet Bluebell?

Who is Bluebell in the Outlander books?

Bluebell comes into the story during Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone. We learn that her master is dead, likely killed by Jamie. Jamie feels like he needs to do some penance, and so he takes in the dog. He gives the dog the name Bluebell due to the coloring of her, and Fanny, a new character who joins the family at the end of Written in My Own Heart’s Blood, calls her Bluey.

Bluebell doesn’t play a huge role in a lot of the storylines. However, she is a connection back to Claire’s abduction. Claire realizes that one of the men is still around, and Jamie goes off to kill him.

Could this be Bluebell in Outlander Season 8?

It’s hard to say if this is Bluebell or not. I don’t remember much of a description of this dog, except the coloring. The coloring of the dog in the leaked photos certainly looks like she could be Bluebell, and I would love to see it.

My issue is in the storyline of how Bluebell comes up. None of the men were able to escape Jamie and his men at the time of Claire’s abduction, except for Wendigo Donner. I guess it could be possible that someone got away, but it seems unlikely, and it hasn’t come up since.

Of course, Bluebell could come into the lives of the Frasers in another way. It would seem odd for Bluebell to be around at the same time that these leaked photos are likely taken from. We’re sure this is the aftermath of saving Lord John Grey, which would mean they’re in Savannah and not on Fraser’s Ridge, which is where Bluebell is.

Having the dog around doesn’t mean that she’s part of the series, or even part of that day’s filming. She could just be hanging around with a crew member, or she could be around everyone to get comfortable with those she films with in Outlander Season 8.