Outlander Book Club: Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone Chapter 151 breakdown

Lord John Grey asks Percy for a favor in Outlander Book 9, Chapter 151. Here's our breakdown of the Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone chapter.

Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
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Just the Outlander chapter

This chapter starts with catching us up on Lord John Grey’s situation. We find out that he is allowed to exercise for two hours a day, and that is on land. However, he is watched over by a guard that speaks none of the languages John knows. Does he not speak them, or is he just very good at ignoring?

When he is on the ship, he is chained by the ankle. Richardson knows that he could likely escape, and he isn’t going to allow that. However, he does make sure that John is fed, has a chamber pot, and has some books to read.

Some of the books are about slavery and why it’s bad. While John potentially agrees with the viewpoints (I don’t think we know which side he stands on slavery), he decides to throw the books out of the port window. That is one way to make it clear that he’s not doing what Richardson wants.

John does realizes that Richardson hasn’t found Hal yet. Until that happens, John will remain alive. That does give him some time. He thinks back to pre-Prestonpans when Jamie held him captive, and that leads to other thoughts of Jamie.

When Percy comes into the room to apologize for things and declare his love for John, John uses it as an opportunity. He wants Percy to get a message to William to say that he loves him.