Outlander Book Club: Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone Chapter 145 breakdown

The Battle of Kings Mountain begins in Outlander Book 9, Chapter 145. Here's our breakdown of the Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone chapter.
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
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Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter

This chapter certain foreshadows things to come. The focus on Frank’s book being right at the beginning is a clear sign that it is right at the end as well. This is how Jamie dies.

However, we have Claire. She refuses not to follow Jamie into the battlefield. She believes that Frank is probably right, and she will do whatever she can to make sure Frank is wrong. It’s telling that it’s Claire going into the battle. She is the one who can do something if and when Jamie falls.

Adapting the Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone chapter

There is no way that this chapter can’t be used in the TV series. We’re sure to see the Battle of Kings Mountain included. It’s just too big of a storyline for it not to be included. Jamie dies. We know that. We just also know that his death isn’t permanent.

We need to see the buildup. I think it’s also important to see Roger’s side of things. We need to see that he is going into the battle. This is a man who has only just found his purpose, and we need to see him confident in that purpose.

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