Jamie has to make a choice in Outlander Book 9, Chapter 141
Jamie gets a letter from Colonel Locke in Outlander Book 9, Chapter 141. Will he join the Rowan County Militia or stick with the Overmountain Men?
It’s a difficult position for Jamie to be in. It’s even harder considering he knows a little of what’s to come. Frank’s book comes up again, as Jamie thinks about what’s to come in the war. It must make it a little easier going into some situations when you know how history is supposed to play out.
However, Jamie still has to make a choice. Colonel Locke wants Jamie to join him, but Jamie doesn’t want to leave Fraser’s Ridge unprotected for too long. It’s clear that there is a risk to the land, especially considering the more recent events.
This chapter is very much all about plot development. After all, we know where Jamie has to end up thanks to Frank’s book. The question is whether history can be changed.
I don’t see this chapter being used all that much in the series. We may get a mention of Colonel Locke, but I think that’s going to be it. I’ll get to my thoughts on that in the adaptation section.
Let’s dive into the chapter of Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone.