Outlander Book Club: Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone Chapter 139 breakdown

Jamie dreams of Culloden in Outlander Book 9, Chapter 139. Here's our breakdown of the Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone chapter.

Outlander Season 3 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
Outlander Season 3 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
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Jamie dreams of Culloden in Outlander Book 9, Chapter 139

As we head back to Fraser’s Ridge, we get a relatively short chapter. It doesn’t make all that much sense why Outlander Book 9, Chapter 139 is included at first.

I sometimes feel like Claire and Jamie don’t really have a lot to do. To make sure they are included, we get some of these chapters that are short and don’t really add much to the overall storyline. This is one that doesn’t add much, but on this second reading, I think I understand more of why it’s included.

Jamie wakes up from a dream of Culloden, but it’s not Culloden exactly. He is surrounded by some people who were there and others who definitely weren’t. Then there’s another surprise at the end. Black Jack Randall was there and he was naked.

This chapter doesn’t really foreshadow too much, I don’t think. It’s more about where Jamie’s mindset is right now. I’ll get into that in the foreshadowing section of this post.

I don’t think we’ll see it used in the TV series, and there are a few reasons for that. I’ll break my thoughts down about it in the adaptation section.

Let’s dive into Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone chapter 139.