Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter
This chapter certainly sets up the rest of the plot for the book. John is in grave danger, and he will need William and Jamie to save him.
However, there is a tiny bit of a plot point for Richardson. He knows that Hal’s speech is what turns the War into the American’s favor. He wants the British to win. It’s clear that he is definitely a time traveler when you consider that.
Adapting the Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone chapter
Some of this chapter is sure to be used in the TV series. After all, I’m sure that we’ll see all of Richardson’s storyline play out. He is a major antagonist as we come to the end of the Outlander story. I just don’t see all of it play out.
I don’t think we’ll see Percy brought into the story all that much. We don’t really need to see him on the screen. We just need the confessions in the letters. That’s enough for the threat of John being exposed for being gay. It is a crime during this time period.
I suspect that something like this will come up around the halfway point of the final season. Or maybe around the three-quarter mark. I suspect that this will help to bring everyone together to bring Richardson’s story to an end.
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