Outlander Book Club: Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone Chapter 127 breakdown

Bree continues her theories about time travel in Outlander Book 9, Chapter 127. Here's our breakdown of the Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone chapter.
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
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Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter

For Bree and Roger, this discussion certainly make some sense. Two people who can time travel are going to have these thoughts, especially those with a scientific mind. For us as readers, I don’t think this is all that important unless it’s foreshadowing something to come.

Does it foreshadow a discussion of people moving from the past to the future? After all, we know that those from the past can end up in a future time period and not everyone goes back in time. Just look at Buck MacKenzie.

I get the sense that this chapter is foreshadowing something to come in the next book.

Adapting the Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone chapter

The TV series hasn’t really delved into the details of how and why time travel happens. We just know that it does and gemstones are involved. I think that’s all that’s needed when it comes to explaining how something happens. Too much sci-fi can get bogged down with explaining things like this.

So, with that in mind, I don’t think we’ll really get into this chapter in Outlander. If it ends up being some big important element to the story in the final arc, then sure. However, I don’t see how it could end up being so major that it has to be brought up.

I think back to the saying “keep it simple, stupid.” That applies to this sort of explanation in fiction. It’s not always needed.

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