Outlander Book Club: Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone Chapter 119 breakdown

William sees Bree's portraits in Outlander Book 9, Chapter 119. Here's our breakdown of the Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone chapter.
Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
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Just the Outlander chapter

Bree is working on her portraits. She notes how Roger has changed since the battle. He has more of a light about him, and it’s like he has figured out his place. This helps her figure out what to do with the portrait of him.

She’s interrupted by William and John Cinnamon, who are here to collect Cinnamon’s portrait. William is amazed by the artwork, but Cinnamon doesn’t say or do anything at first. Then suddenly, he hugs Bree tightly and thanks her. He loves it.

Bree offers to pack it up so he can send it to London. However, William points out that Lord John Grey can send it with someone. Cinnamon rushes out of the room to talk to Lord John Grey about it.

This gives Bree a chance to show William the other portraits. In the one of Angelina, William asks Bree how she made Angelina sparkle. Bree is happy that he noticed this, and she quickly explains how she managed it. I love to see their interest in each other and how we can see a bond forming. Out of everyone in William’s new life, Bree would be the easiest to form the bond with.

William decides not to see the finished portrait of Jane for now. Instead, he wants to talk to Bree about Amaranthus, especially when he finds out that Bree has met her.