Outlander Book Club: Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade Chapter 7 breakdown
Up to this point in Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade, it’s clear that Jamie and John don’t have the bond that they will develop. It’s the events during this book that lead to that development.
This chapter sets up the stepping stones for the development. John is confused at why people are blaming themselves for Geneva’s death. The one that confuses him greatly is Jamie Fraser.
We know what’s happened thanks to Voyager, but John doesn’t just yet. He’s going to come to learn the truth, though.
Breaking down the Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade chapter
The chapter starts with John thinking about how Lord Dunsany blames himself for Geneva’s death. If she hadn’t have married Ellesmere, she would still be alive. Had he not allowed her as much freedom in life, maybe she would still be alive. John is confused at why Dunsany is blaming himself, though.
I think Dunsany blaming himself makes a little sense. She died in childbirth, and Dunsany, at this point, believes that the child is Ellesmere’s. I do often wonder if Dunsany figures out the truth in the way that his wife does, but for now, he definitely thinks that the child was legitimate. Had he not forced Geneva to marry Dunsany, she wouldn’t have been pregnant, and therefore, she wouldn’t have died. It’s easy to put all that together.
This chapter also tells us more about Lord John Grey’s relationship with the Dunsany family. He became a sort of foster son to them. He visited when their son was alive, and after his death during the Jacobite rebellion, John continued to be a part of the family. I think it really sets the tone as to how foster families can still be important, which helps us understand more about why John marries Isobel and takes in William.
That night, John decides to pay Geneva’s coffin a visit to pay his respects. He finds Jamie prostrate on the floor at Geneva’s coffin. It’s clear that he is paying penance for something, and that has John intrigued.
Could this chapter be used in a TV series?
Should Lord John Grey get his own TV series, I could certainly see some of this chapter being used. Some of it would need to be used differently, though. There is too much internalized throughout the chapter, which won’t work for a show. We’d need to see conversations, such as a conversation about how John has become like a foster son to the Dunsany’s and the way Dunsany blames himself for Geneva’s death.
The part that could play out as written is the ending. We would need to see Jamie paying his respects as John goes there. We wouldn’t need a conversation at this point. John’s facial expressions could say it all.
So yes, this chapter is needed, but it would need to be heavily adapted to work for TV.
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